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June 2020 Monthly Archives

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Teeth Whitening: Fact or Fiction

15th June 2020 By: admin

There are many teeth whitening kits that are sold over the counter that just don’t give out the satisfying results they promise on the packaging. This is where all the confusion and speculation have come about involving the teeth whitening process. ManyRead More

Patient Urgent Treatment Appointment Information

4th June 2020 By: admin Urgent Treatment Appointment Information - Coronavirus - Covid-19 - AJ Moore Dental Practice Nottingham

 The treatments you are offered may be different to those you received before, depending on staff and equipment available. It will take some time before services return to what you previously experienced as normal. Please be patient. Our community has been throughRead More

Affordable private dental care for the whole family.

We are proud to provide exceptional patient care in a warm and friendly environment.

Private dentistry offers you:

  • access to wider range of treatment options
  • shorter waiting times for treatment
  • appointments at times to suit you
  • 0% finance available*

Adult check-ups from just £59 | Child check-ups from £35 | Free check-ups for under 5s with a private adult check-up.

Speak to our friendly reception team or call to book your appointment.